Saturday, June 15, 2019

Twitter-a Vital Part of My PLN

Much of my Professional Learning Network can be found through the educators, librarians, and authors that I follow on Twitter.

Image result for teachers imageEducators-I follow educators from across the globe, as well as those who are known for their educational expertise and research. These people offer their insights on the topics that teachers currently deal with and come with information that supports their opinions. Often, their posts will spark an interesting discussion.

Librarians-Librarians are key to learning about a variety of up and coming texts that are accessible across the middle grades and YA. They provide honest information about books and which will fit different readers best.

Authors-Authors and their publishers are the first to post updates about new books and tour dates. Publishers also post about give aways, which are a great way to get ARCs (advanced readers copies) and new books to promote in the classroom.

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